2024 – A big year for Mooshuns and the Mooshun Man

By: Ian Thomas – The Mooshun Man

Did you know that 2024 is Mooshuns’ 15th year? Can you believe that your favourite moody cushions have been around that long? We’ve come a long way from the earliest Mooshun designs and learned so much about:

  • childrens’ mental health and wellbeing
  • social emotional learning
  • emotional intelligence
  • running a business
  • finding a balance between working and running a business
  • staying positive through the challenges of winter markets and outdoor events.

Even though it’s been 15 years, when I make new Mooshuns, I still feel the same level of delight and excitement I felt when I started making moody cushions all those years ago.

As well as being the Mooshun Man, I’m working full-time as a year 5 teacher in a Victorian Government primary school this year. I’m working hard to be the best teacher I can be for my awesome group of students. I’m also trying my best to deliver engaging and effective social emotional learning. There are plenty of Mooshuns in the Calm Corner and the students love them.

I use my school holidays as an opportunity to make as many Mooshuns as I can. Recently, one particular batch of pale blue Mooshuns needed a whole lot of extra effort. The fabric was beautiful – incredibly soft and a magnificent shade of blue. However, the fabric was really thick and it was an ongoing challenge to get each Mooshun through the sewing machine. I persisted though, despite my declining patience and increasing frustration.

My favourite Mooshun production moment has always been when I turn a Mooshun from inside-out to the right way around, revealing the face and the unique shape of each moody cushion. I get a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment from:

  • discovering how the faces and shapes have turned out
  • knowing I will soon be able to share the new Mooshuns with the world.

For some reason, this pale blue batch resulted in goosebumps for me. My hard work and persistence met with excellent results, and some beautiful Mooshuns, that made me very happy.

There’s more work to be done (there always is). These Mooshuns had to be filled and finished. However, this experience has given me a new motivation and drive to keep producing moody cushions that will make Mooshuns’ customers as happy as they make me.

And if you’re curious about how those pale blue Mooshuns turned out, check out @mooshuns on Instagram.

Stay tuned to this blog for future articles related to:

  • Mooshuns – moody cushions for moody kids
  • childrens’ mental health and wellbeing
  • adventures in social emotional learning
  • emotional intelligence.